Microenterprise Home Kitchen Operations


Home-Based Food Service

Since January 2019, a California law has allowed cities and counties to authorize Microenterprise Home Kitchen Operations (MEHKO) in their jurisdiction. 

A MEHKO is a home-based food service facility that can serve and deliver food from a home but requires a local jurisdiction pass an ordinance to adopt a MEHKO program.

Ordinance Process Update with the Santa Cruz County Board of Supervisors 

During the September 10, 2024 meeting, the Santa Cruz County Board of Supervisors approved a new Microenterprise Home Kitchen Operation (MEHKO) Ordinance in concept. Once finalized, the ordinance will establish a two-year pilot program to permit small-scale home based food service operations in Santa Cruz County.

PLEASE NOTE: Microenterprise Home Kitchen Operations are currently NOT allowed in Santa Cruz County. Environmental Health will start accepting new MEHKO applications starting January 1, 2025.  An approved Health Permit is required before MEHKO service can begin.

Share your thoughts on Microenterprise Home Kitchen Operations

If you have any questions, feedback, or would like to receive MEHKO program updates, please email environmentalhealth@santacruzcountyca.gov.